
St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Live, Love, Believe

Inclusion and SEND

St Mary's recognises that for all parents starting in a new school is one that brings anxiety with it.  For families whose children have additional needs this anxiety can be heightened. 

We hope the SEND offer helps explain the ways in which the school supports the children.


Other FAQ

What are the details of the school’s admission arrangements for pupils with disabilities?

Admission arrangements for all children who do not have EHCPs are the same - if you wish your child to attend St Mary's you should complete a Supplementary Information From (SIF) that should be returned to the school and the county form that is available from the admissions -

If your child has an EHCP and you want your child to join St Mary's you should request for St Mary's to be named on their EHCP.  If you require support with this please speak to the school or your SEND worker.


How can I be sure that my child will be treated with equity?

The school takes steps to prevent pupils with disabilities from being treated less favourably than other pupils.  The school will work to ensure that the needs identified in the EHCP are supported.  At no stage will the school use disability as a reason not to support your child as fully as we do all our children.


What facilities are provided to help pupils with disabilities access the school?

The school, as identified in the SEND offer, will try within our resources to meet the needs of all of our children.  Access to rooms is available for all and we can adapt resources where possible to meet the needs of the pupils.

St Mary's SEND offer. Please do contact Mrs Kristy Skelley, SENDCo, if you have any questions:

Supporting children's needs at St Mary's.


We recognise that very many children, at some point in their school life, will need additional support: this may be only for a short time or for a longer period and staff use a range of systems and approaches to support the children as needs are identified. We intend for the needs of every child to be recognised and met, as far as we are able through our own expertise and with the support of external professionals, such as Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language therapists, Occupational Therapists and outreach advice/support from specialist local settings such as Medina House.


Approaches to support children's learning may include (but are not limited to)

Speech and Language therapy (SALT): targeted activities to develop language acquisition

Motor Skills United: An Occupational Therapy Programme, colour coded and fun-filled to integrate and develop Motor and Perceptual Skills aiming to develop core strength to aid learning 


Thrive- Allowing children to explore their emotions and build relationships within school

Talk about-Social groups 

Bug Club- Phonics and targeted interventions to aid reading. 

Stile-Comprehension techniques intervention to aid reading and writing.

Sensory Circuit- Allowing children to fulfill their sensory needs

Woodland room - where children can regulate their emotions in a calm and quiet environment.



Early Help Assessment (EHA) : An EHA is a document which is completed by a professional who is working with the family to support a child with additional needs including physical, emotional, or learning needs. There are regular 6 - weekly meetings called...

TAF - Team Around the Family: TAF meetings are when the family meets with the different key professionals involved in supporting them to produce a plan to help them achieve their goals.


SAM (Student Attendance Meetings): These meetings work with the family to support improved attendance and timekeeping, working in close liaison with the Head of School.



Further information is available

from these sources:

“The Isle of Wight Council is committed to giving all children and young people high quality education that enables them to make progress and achieve well. For children and young people aged 0 to 25 with special educational needs or a disability, additional or specialist support may be needed to enable this. To support the process of identifying the range of provision and advice that is available, the Isle of Wight Local Authority have published a local offer. For more information about the Local Offer please use the following link: