Meet our Ambassadors!
For our children in Years 2 - 6, we believe that taking on extra responsibility is key to develop resillience, team work, empathy and a sense of achievement. We also feel it is key to preparing for the transition to secondary school and beyond, where children can take ownership and a sense of pride in representing St Mary's and fulfilling an important role within school.
At the start of each year, children can decide to put themselves forward for an ambassador role by either delivering a presenation or a writtten explanation of their suitability for the role and their classmates then vote on who they would like to represent them.
We have many important roles that children can develop and make their own at St Mary's.
Our current ambassador roles are:
Leadership ambassadors
Chaplaincy ambassadors
House ambassadors
Equality and diversity ambassadors
Subject ambassadors
Wellbeing ambassadors
All of these roles have different apects that the children need to carry out and report to the head of school, Mrs Broome. For example, the Leadership Ambassadors will lead tours for prospective parents and tell them all about our school! They also lead our weekly debate.
Our Chaplaincy Ambassadors take an important role in supporting other children across the school with their faith and belief. They also support the setting up and running of the daily worship and promoting our school mission of Live, Love, Believe.
Our equality and diversity ambassadors promote and support pupils to celebrate difference across the school. They are also developing and promoting the rights of the child across school and have obtained the Bronze Rights respecting schools award.
Our House Ambassadors lead our four houses that are named after our chosen saints. Their role is to support children across the school to celebrate their success through our house point system. The house ambassadors count the house points earned each week and announce the winning house. They also help run sports day and other team events across the year.
Our subject ambassadors are children that show a particular passion for their chosen subject and can demonstrate how that subject is taught at St Mary's and why that subject is amazing and valued across school!
Our Wellbeing ambassadors promote porsitive mental across the school. They have worked with and received training from Youth trust and meet weekly to discuss emotional wellbeing of pupils. They even developed whole school wellbeing days, where pupils can learn self care and how to regulate themselves.
Our recent OFSTED report commented on the work that all of our ambassadors carry out to ensure that all of the children and staff at St Mary's have a happy experience and a commitment to positive behaviour and attitude.
Leaders provide effective support for pupil’s personal development. Staff promote pupils’ physical and emotional health well. Pupil ambassadors lead weekly debates where all pupils are able to explore moral questions. Pupils learn that others can have different views and opinions to their own. They are tolerant and celebrate diversity. Pupils are given a range of leadership opportunities, such as house captains. They are proud of these roles and are keen to take an active role in the school - OFSTED, November 2022.