
St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Live, Love, Believe

Safeguarding and Keeping Safe online

At St Mary's, the safeguarding of our pupils is a core role and we make every effort to prpvide a safe and nurturing environment for all, where children have a voice and are able to express their thoughts and views clearly and know they will be heard. The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) at St Mary's is the Head of School - Sian Broome. The deputy DSL's are Kristy Skelley (SENCo), and Katie Beiser (Preschool Lead). Alex Pettit is our Cahir of Governors and also our safeguarding governor. 


We have clear policies in place to support our safeguarding practice and maintain the "it could happen here" attitude.  Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have a safeguarding concern you wish to discuss, we want everyone in our community to have a voice and feel heard! 


Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility.


Cause for Concerns

All staff are asked to report any causes for concern to the Designated Safeguarding Lead using our on line recording system known as CPOMS. Any concerns will be shared with parents/carers as early as possible as more often than not there are extremely reasonable explanations for the concern. Concerns may range from children being visibly upset to persistent lateness to children ‘disclosing’ concerns.  On occasion concerns will be directed to the MASH team who support schools with more serious concerns.  Whilst we try to engage with parents during these referrals, we may be advised by the MASH team not to do so because of the investigations that may be required.


If you have a concern about a child

There are many steps you can take if you have concerns around a child:

  • Listen to what the child has to say and do not ask any leading questions. We use the TED technique when asking questions - which is a way of asking open ended questions by using the words Tell me, Explain to me, Describe/ Draw for me. This provides a non-leading and non-threatening way for children to talk about how they feel/ what they have been subjected to. 
  • Dont' promise confidentiality - You might have to pass on the iformation they tell you to keep them safe! 
  • Write down an account of what they say, in their own words. Remember to add when this took place with a date and time. 
  • If you have serious concerns about a child - please report this to either the social care team or the police. The public number for report concerns to social care is: 03003000117. This can be completed annonymously. 



All lateness and absences are recorded by the class teachers and the school office. Reasons will be sought for all absence or lateness. Attendance is monitored closely by our Head of School who may refer any concerns to the Education and Inclusion team at the Local Authority. Parents and carers will always be informed of concerns around attendance and may be invited to a School Attendance Meeting (SAM) with the Head of School in order for the school to offer support in improving attendance and punctuality. Persistent and/or unexplained absence from school is a safeguarding cause for concern and will be treated seriously.


Absence During Term Time

Holidays during term time will not be authorised unless there are good reasons for doing so. Any requests for absence from school must be made in writing to the Head of School. Unauthorised absences will be followed up by the school as an unexplained absence from school could be a safeguarding issue.
