20th November 2019
Dear parents/carers,
You will all no doubt be aware that we have not one but two nasty bugs doing the rounds in school at the moment.
Please do not bring your child to school if he or she is complaining of stomach pains, has been or is feeling sick or has diarrhoea, or has a sibling or other family member with these symptoms. We need to stop the spread of this bug and if children are sent to school with these symptoms, it will just spread even further through the whole school community.
If your child has had diarrhoea or vomiting, please abide by the 48 hour rule and do not return them to school until 48 hours has passed since the last episode of vomiting or diarrhoea. Please remind your child to wash their hands thoroughly after they have been to the toilet and before eating lunch or snack.
Some children have also complained of flu-like symptoms with a temperature, shivering and sore ears and throats. Please do not send them to school if they have these symptoms as this is also spreading throughout the school, to the adults as well as the children.
Our cleaners will carry out additional cleaning for the foreseeable future. However, we will have no option but to close the school under advice from Public Health England and the local council to carry out a deep clean if this outbreak escalates.
I appreciate your support in this matter.
Kind regards
Alison Langridge