
St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Live, Love, Believe

Parent Consultation - Relationships and Sex Education in Primary Schools

Invitation to a Parent Consultation


A reminder that you are invited into school for a presentation on the DfE statutory changes to Relationships and Sex Education in Primary Schools from September 2020.

You can read more about this on the DfE website if you click here


Governors would like to invite you to an evening presentation by the Headteacher on the changes to our curriculum and how they will be manifested in our Catholic Schools and provide an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have.


The meetings dates will be:

4th March at St Mary’s Primary School at 6pm


11th March at St Thomas of Canterbury at 6pm


You are welcome to attend either consultation date, regardless of which school your children attend


Our Headteachers have drafted a new policy called the Relationship Education Policy and it is our statutory duty to consult with you on this proposed policy before it is formally adopted by Governors in the summer term.  The consultation on the policy will run until the 30th April and we welcome your feedback, in writing which will be debated at the Governing Body meeting on 18th of May, with the Final Policy ready for approval at our 15th June meeting.


We do hope that you will be able to join us as it will also provide an opportunity for you to meet the Governors. Not knowing who the Governors are, is something that routinely crops up in the parent survey responses.


If you would like sight of the policy prior to the meeting, you can find it on our school websites by clicking on the About Us tab – Governors News – Relationships Education Consultation,  although it will be clearer if you wait until after the presentation.



Yours truly,

The Governors
