Welcome back to school - and welcome to our new children joining us this year in Reception and in other classes throughout the school!
We are very pleased to be back and it was so lovely to see all the children today - how some of them have grown!
Just to let you now that the teachers are offering an opportunity to meet informally with you next week - a chance to meet the "new"teacher if you haven't already met them and to hear about the forthcoming year.
The days and times for these meetings are as follows:
Monday 6th Sept: Y6 @ 8.45 am
Y5 @ 2.10pm
Tuesday: Y1 @ 8.45am
Wednesday: Y3 @ 8.45am
Thursday: Y4 @ 8.45am
Friday: Y2 @ 8.45am
Please don't worry if you are not able to make these meetings - all the information you need will be sent home via Class Dojo and Teachers to Parents email but if you are able to come along, it would be lovely to see you! All meetings will be held in your child's classroom.
A reminder that parents need not come on to the school site at morning drop off in order to reduce congestion - the children managed really well this morning to find their new classrooms and there are plenty of staff around to guide them if they forget. At 2.30 pick up time, please make your way to your child's classroom and collect them from there.
Year 5 and Year 6 children may walk home as long as we have written permission from you confirming that you are happy for them to do so.
We look forwar to seeing you next week if you are able to come along to the class meetings!